Therapeutic Bodywork—
Recovery Through Healing Touch

Whenever we are injured, our first instinct is often to rub the injury to soothe the pain. We all recognize that touch can be healing. In addition, countless studies have also concluded that therapeutic bodywork is highly effective in relieving pain and promoting the recovery from both acute and chronic injury. Beyond physical pain, therapeutic bodywork can also have a positive effect on wide range of conditions—infertility, insomnia, digestive issues, and stress.

Therapeutic bodywork is focused massage that is used to treat a specific medical condition, often in conjunction with other treatment options, such as acupuncture, physical therapy, or chiropractics. It focuses on the muscle and connective tissues of the body, known as the myofascia, to release knots and spasms, reduce inflammation, and improve circulation. All of these have the effect to reduce pain, increase range of motion, and improve functional performance.

At Alleva Acupuncture, our practitioners are highly skilled bodyworkers, with decades of experience treating many of today’s most common problems. They offer 3 specialty treatments to best meet your needs. Tui Na—Chinese medical massage, that is used to treat injuries and chronic pain. Mayan Abdominal Therapy—a traditional medicine of the Mayan people of Belize and Guatemala that focuses on the uterus’s position in the pelvic bowl. Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage—a Chinese Taoist technique that works directly on the abdomen with gentle and deep massage to release blockages found in the internal tissues and vital organs.

massage therapeutic bodywork falls church virginia

Therapeutic Bodywork FAQ

  • Tui Na literally means “pushing and pulling” in Chinese and is a system of therapeutic massage that is guided by same theory as acupuncture. It is similar to deep tissue, sports injury massage, using firm pressure and stretching movements to release knots deep in the tissues. By working the muscle-sinew channels of the body, Tui Na works to improve musculoskeletal problems such as chronic lower back or neck pain, limited range of motion in joints, radiating nerve pain, and other issues such as headache or digestive complaints. Often, herbal liniments and therapeutic suction cups may be used to reduce inflammation and improve local blood circulation to relieve pain quickly.

  • Tui Na focuses on relieving musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction and works to improve pain in the lower back, neck, shoulders, hips, legs and arms. It can be effective to relieve migraine headaches, tension headaches, jaw pain/TMJ, carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, rotator cuff inflammation, sciatica, piriformis syndrome, and hip bursitis.

  • Mayan Abdominal Therapy is a style of massage that works on the abdomen, low back, sacrum, and tailbone with the purpose of decreasing congestion in the organs and pelvic region of the body—allowing the systems of the body, including blood, lymph, nerve and muscle, to move towards optimum health. The basis of Mayan Abdominal Therapy comes from the medicine and traditions of the Mayan people of Belize and Guatemala, with their emphasis on proper positioning of organs, for the health of the person. The style of Mayan Abdominal Therapy practiced at Alleva Acupuncture is a fusion of traditional Mayan techniques with western biomedical understanding of pelvic anatomy and blood flow, transferred by the teachers Don Elijio Panti, Ms. Hortence Robinson, and Rosita Arvigo. What makes Mayan Abdominal Therapy unique among massage styles is its particular focus on the position of the uterus in the pelvic bowl along with the proper position of the sacrum and tailbone. These attributes have made Mayan Abdominal Therapy known for its ability to improve menstrual health, treat infertility, and support a healthy pregnancy. 

  • While Mayan Abdominal Therapy can treat a variety of issues from constipation and IBS to urinary incontinence, it is well suited to treat complaints surrounding the uterus. The uterus has the ability to move and expand beyond that of any other organ in the body. This also can mean that the uterus easily moves from its optimal position applying extra pressure on its neighboring organs—the colon, the bladder, and the sacrum. Repositioning the uterus relieves pressure on neighboring tissues and gives the uterus more space for healthy function. This work improves period pain, PMS, amenorrhea, infertility, painful intercourse, low back pain, uterine prolapse, incontinence, and constipation. This work can be continued into pregnancy. Keeping the uterus in a good position can minimize pregnancy discomforts such as back pain, constipation, swelling, and fatigue to give the mother and baby the best chance at a healthy, natural labor and delivery.

  • Most of us know, that when we aren’t well, we feel it in our “gut”, both literally and figuratively. When our emotions cause acid reflux or loose stools or we feel bloated or nauseated after meals, the problem is clearly rooted in the abdomen. Chi Nei Tsang works directly on the abdomen with gentle and deep massage to release blockages found in the internal tissues and vital organs that are the root of many chronic conditions. Today, high levels of stress, poor diet, too little sleep, and not enough exercise lead to chronic inflammation which is linked to a wide variety of diseases, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, anxiety, irritable bowel syndrome, and infertility. Inflammation plays havoc on our vital organs and the fascia, creating blockages and adhesions that prevent the healthy flow of qi, blood, and food through the abdomen. Using gentle massage, coupled with meditative breathing exercises, Chi Nei Tsang both relaxes the mind to harmonize the emotions and opens fascial restrictions to allow healthy movement within the abdomen.

  • Like most treatments within Chinese medicine, Chi Nei Tsang is effective in treating both the body and the mind. By focusing on the abdomen, CNT can help to relieve many common digestive complaints such as acid reflux, hiatal hernia, bloating, nausea, irritable bowel syndrome, chronic loose stools, constipation, and intestinal cramping. For women, CNT is also effective for many gynecological conditions like painful periods, pre-menstrual syndrome, cesarian section scarring, hysterectomy scarring, and recovery from child birth.

    It is commonly understood that we process emotions through the abdomen as in the phrases “gut wrenching,” “stomach dropping,” or “butterflies in my tummy.” But, in fact, this “feeling” is backed by real science—research has shown that nearly 90% of the body’s serotonin, the neurotransmitter responsible for mood regulation, is produced in the abdomen. Similarly, Chinese medicine has long associated emotions with the vital organs, and sees chronic states of negative emotions, such as worry, sadness, grief, anger, and fear, as evidence of deep patterns of internal disharmony. By working directly on the deep internal tissues and vital organs, Chi Nei Tsang works to release deeply held negative emotions to return you to a balanced and harmonious state of health, in both body and mind.